Dream Wide Awake ... So Many Ways!
![]() Want to do a deep dive into Dream Wide Awake for an extended weekend emersion that will help you emerge with clarity, new-found purpose, reaffirming meaning, and inspired action? Sherré is offering public and privately scheduled retreats for groups of 6 - 12 individuals or couples who are ready to embrace all that they can be in life-changing, legacy-building ways. Upcoming retreats open to the public will be posted here. Dream Wide Awake Blog
Every Wednesday, you can be enlightened, inspired, challenged to think beyond where you are currently by visiting Sherré's weekly Dream Wide Awake blog. In just a few minutes a week, you can take a coffee, tea or mindfulness break, and be empowered to propel yourself forward like you never imagined before.
To read the latest blog post, CLICK HERE! |
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Print books ordered through publisher will receive an extra special something from Sherre'. Books ordered through the publisher will be shipped in 2-3 days to allow for the added bonuses. CLICK HERE TO ORDER! ORDER ON AMAZON. ORDER AT BARNES & NOBLE! Wide Awake Email
Want to receive Sherré's weekly Wide Awake Wednesday emails? Sign up now to get inspired, get motivated, and get things done!
Thoughts Become Things
Sherré is a guest blogger for Mike Dooley's Thoughts Become Things tut.com blog. To view her blog articles and be inspired, click on the icon below.